After many hours of ooh-ing and aah-ing over blogs like Iowa Girl Eats and From My Grey Desk Blog (hi ladies!), I've decided to make an attempt at a blog that has a purpose, rather than just be a home for my rambling. For that, you can visit me over at In Between the Clouds and Sea. For a retro throwback of my time studying abroad in Granada, Spain, visit The dawn in the sky greets the day with a sigh.
Enough with the shameless self-promotion. :)
So, what is the purpose I envision for this new blog, you ask? I'd love to share passions with all of you. What might those be?
Reading. Baking. Films. DIY household projects. Travel.
What that means for you is that I'll share my thoughts on books I'm reading and movies I am watching, delicious goodies I am baking, fun DIY projects I happen to be working on, and the fun places I am jet-setting to (or hope to visit someday).
Here goes nothing I guess!
It is nice to start reading your blog at the beginning, and have to say I already love it!